Friday, November 25, 2011

Thinking Outside The Box

Plato's "Allegory of the Cave" is probably the closest you're going to get, to an ancient writer sharing the same views as students of today. His near perfect use of using the "cave" as an institution that restrains people (general people) from exiting the cave. However, those who mange to escape these restraints find enlightenment, and are no longer convinced that what they see in the cave is what is really real. Like i said before, this can be considered as a school, where the "general people" go to the "cave" and are taught that the "shadows" are real and everything outside of the "cave" is false. Plato executes this philosophy very well in his story.


  1. Great job at making connections with "Allegory in the Cave". they actually really helped me. Might I suggest you add something on Sartre and "No Exit".

  2. I definitely enjoyed the "anti establishment" feel of this post. I agree with your point of school being the modern day cave, but I feel it goes beyond curriculum and can be society as a whole creating a shadowy existence for us.
